Saturday 8 June 2013


We made lapbook:
Front Cover

opened out lapbook

·       We made mini-books on challenges facing Africa today- each with a photo and title which could be lifted up to reveal some facts underneath:
Page on challenges facing Africa

Education mini-book interior

HIV min-book interior

Over Crowding mini-book cover

Over Crowding mini-book interior

Poverty & Malnutrition mini-book cover

Poverty & Malnutrition mini-book interior

Civil War & Ethnic Tensions mini-book cover

Civil War & Ethnic Tensions mini-book interior

Corruption mini-book cover

Corruption mini-book contents

·      Africa shaped acrostic poem: AFRICA

·      African flag wheels from enchanted learning

·      Photos of Africa themed art:

o   Salt dough relief map of Africa - we got the idea of this from the internet; Katie made it very large (A2 size). It took a great deal of time, and by the time we got to the mountains, her enthusiasm for accuracy had worn off somewhat.... so please don't copy our mountains!!
o   African huts, from same website

o   Maasai ladies, from same website

·      Pocket with cards of all the books we’d read on Africa

·      Pocket of African geography, with a biomes card for each of savannah, rain forest  desert

·      Map from Answer key of EHE, with a photo of Katie's finished salt dough map beside it.

·      A pocket of fact cards on African animals with photos on other side

·      A pocket on the slave trade (information and photos from Usborne History encyclopaedia.)

Used clipart from Phillip Martin throughout.

Other art:

Katie's hippos - made on polystyrene sheet


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