Saturday 8 June 2013


We made lapbook:
Front Cover

opened out lapbook

·       We made mini-books on challenges facing Africa today- each with a photo and title which could be lifted up to reveal some facts underneath:
Page on challenges facing Africa

Education mini-book interior

HIV min-book interior

Over Crowding mini-book cover

Over Crowding mini-book interior

Poverty & Malnutrition mini-book cover

Poverty & Malnutrition mini-book interior

Civil War & Ethnic Tensions mini-book cover

Civil War & Ethnic Tensions mini-book interior

Corruption mini-book cover

Corruption mini-book contents

·      Africa shaped acrostic poem: AFRICA

·      African flag wheels from enchanted learning

·      Photos of Africa themed art:

o   Salt dough relief map of Africa - we got the idea of this from the internet; Katie made it very large (A2 size). It took a great deal of time, and by the time we got to the mountains, her enthusiasm for accuracy had worn off somewhat.... so please don't copy our mountains!!
o   African huts, from same website

o   Maasai ladies, from same website

·      Pocket with cards of all the books we’d read on Africa

·      Pocket of African geography, with a biomes card for each of savannah, rain forest  desert

·      Map from Answer key of EHE, with a photo of Katie's finished salt dough map beside it.

·      A pocket of fact cards on African animals with photos on other side

·      A pocket on the slave trade (information and photos from Usborne History encyclopaedia.)

Used clipart from Phillip Martin throughout.

Other art:

Katie's hippos - made on polystyrene sheet


Middle East

For the Middle East, instead of making a lapbook, I got a notebook from here:
It would have been better if I had found this earlier – as it includes the central Asian countries which we ended up leaving blank. Filled in capital cities, major rivers etc on map (v. basic) Filled in ‘country profile’ for each, and noted 5 or 6 interesting facts about country – often gleaned from “Window on the World” which we used instead of 100 gateway cities. Got photos from internet to put in too. Stuck in pictures of books we’d read under appropriate countries, as we’d been lent a number of other books by a family who had lived in the middle East.

·      golden eagle- torn paper
Golden Eagle from torn paper
·      eagle hand print Bible verse - idea found from internet:
·      camel in desert textured picture
·      silhouette camel cutting
Katie preparing kefta

Parents had to dress up - of course

Felafel, hummus, kefta and tabouli - ready to share

Camel poem (copied onto camel paper; poem from “Animals Animals – called “Commisariat Camels” by Rudyard Kipling)